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University of Arizona: New Undergraduate Certificate in Cultural Competency in Mexican/Mexican American and Border Communities

This undergraduate certificate is a 12 credit certificate grounded in a social justice analysis from the field of Mexican American Studies and focuses on the local communities of the U.S.-Mexicoborder. Students develop transcultural competency grounded in the Mexican American/borderlands experience. Students will learn to employ social justice frameworks as community leadership skills.

12 Credit Requirements:

Students take six credits in MAS courses in a thematic concentration focused on health, social justice and/or migration.

Students then take a six-credit capstone course focusing on cultural competencies (3 credits), and complete an applied research project (3 credits) as part of an internship with a community organization.

Why a Cultural Competency certificate?

This certification will enhance students’ training by developing their skills on issues of cultural perceptions, negotiating difference, recognizing bias, self-reflexiveness, leadership and social justice and integrating these skills in their work/community environment. Through this certificate students will gain competencies set forth by the Office of Student Engagement: Diversity and Identity, Community Partnerships, Discovery, Leadership, Professional Development, Civic and Community Responsibility, Innovation and Creativity, Global and Intercultural Comprehension, and interdisciplinarity. Students will also be evaluated on personal and social responsibility, knowledge application and systems thinking as it relates to the stated populations and communities in these borderlands/ local environment.

Application Materials:

  • Completed application
  • One letter of recommendation from academic instructor or from employer/supervisor/community member.
  • Unofficial undergraduate transcripts
  • Letter of Intent (see application)

Application Timeline:

  • Compile all materials (listed on the checklist) and email them to by August 13th, 2022.
  • In the email, be sure to include in the subject line “Cultural Competency Certificate Application: [First and Last Name}”. You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.
  • All applications are due on August 13th, 2022. They will be reviewed from August 16th-19th. Applicants will be notified of decisions on August 20st, 2022.
For more information, contact:
Lucia Echeverria Madera, Program Coordinator, Sr.

Wondering what courses you can take? 

Migration Focus:

  • MAS 317 Latin American Immigration and the Re-making of the U.S.
  • MAS 470 The Feminization of Migration: Global Perspectives
  • MAS 475A The Education of Latinas/Latinos
  • MAS 365 Latinos/Latinas: Emerging Issues

Social Justice Focus:

  • MAS 350 the Chicano Movement
  • MAS 365 Latinos/Latinas: Emerging Issues
  • MAS 265 Community, Culture and Identity
  • MAS 475A The Education of Latinas/Latinos
  • MAS 485 Mexicana/Chicana Women’s History
  • MAS 423 Latino Urbanization

Health Focus:

  • MAS 280 Chicana/o Psychology
  • MAS 405 Traditional Indian Medicine: Health, Healing and Well Being
  • MAS 410 Socio-Cultural Determinants of Health; MAS 423 Latino Urbanization
  • MAS 425 Latino Health Disparities
  • MAS 435 Mexican Traditional Medicine: An Overview of Indigenous Curing Cultures

Other Available Courses:

  • MAS 495A Special Topics in Mexican American Studies
  • MAS 499 Independent Study
  • MAS 498: Capstone